what to put on a business card

A business card is a good way to make an initial impression when meeting new people. Today, business cards have become more important and relevant to the corporate world, and they’re the first impression that people have of you. The front of your card should be very clear, with your profession prominently displayed along with your email and phone number. This is because most professional relationships develop over the phone, so it’s important to include both.

Design elements of a business card

There are several elements to consider when designing a business card for networking. The first is your logo or tagline, which will be the primary focus of the card. It’s best to use a logo that is recognizable by your target audience. You may also use artwork in place of a logo. Other elements to consider include the size and weight of your card, which will influence whether the reader will discard it or keep it.

The background color and the font color should match your brand’s color scheme. If you use a different color for the background and text, it will be difficult to read your text. Adding contrast will improve legibility. When choosing a font, always remember to prioritize legibility.

The font on your business card should be easy to read. Avoid using script fonts or other specialty fonts. These types of fonts can be difficult to read and will not appeal to your audience. Make sure that the font is legible and that the font size is adequate. It should be at least eight or twelve points for clarity.

Besides font, it is also important to consider the design. A professional-looking business card should be easy to read and attractive to the eyes. Generally, business cards should be designed with a clean and minimal style. If you’re in the entertainment or children’s industry, you may want to use vibrant colors and designs on your card. If you’re in a professional environment, however, muted colors are a better choice. Alternatively, if you want to create a lasting impression on your audience, you can consider going against the norm and using a design that speaks for itself.

If you’re printing your business card on a printer, it’s a good idea to consult a design software to help you make the right choice. While your logo and other important design elements should be centered on the card, it may be useful to have secondary graphics in the background.

Regardless of the business you’re in, your business card is the most important printed material you’ll have on hand. The card will often be the first impression that a new customer or partner will have of you. Make sure that your design can be a powerful tool for networking. And don’t forget to include contact information, which is the primary goal of a business card.

Adding a website

Adding a website to your business card will give your network a better idea of what you have to offer them. Websites are increasingly important marketing tools, not only for conveying information about your brand but for also offering ways to purchase, subscribe, or sign up. Including a website URL on your business card will allow you to direct attention to your website and potentially launch business relationships.

Including a photo

Using a headshot on a business card is a great way to establish a professional image. It’s a good idea to select a professional image for your card, and you can even use an image from your LinkedIn profile. Be sure to avoid using multiple fonts or small font sizes.

If you’re a one-man operation, you might decide to avoid a photo on your business card. First impressions are important, so avoid using a cell phone photo taken in a dark living room. These photos may be embarrassing to look at, and they may even turn a potential client off.

Including a tagline

When preparing a business card, include a tagline, a short, one-line phrase that communicates something unique about your brand or product. Typically, a tagline will include a description of your product or service, a characterization of your brand, and some keywords. After generating a list of keywords, consider how you can best communicate these elements in a memorable and concise way. For example, if you’re a catering company, you might want to emphasize the quality of your ingredients and your quick, easy service. To do this, try listing a few adjectives such as “fresh,” “easy,” “convenient,” and “quickly.”

A tagline is an important part of a business card because it helps consumers identify the brand and learn more about it. A good tagline will encourage potential customers to contact you with future business needs. For example, when distributing your business cards at an event, a tagline can help secure the first conversation. It can also create an advantage for you over competitors who have no tagline.

If your business is new, you may want to emphasize its newness. This way, people will immediately appreciate the uniqueness of your offering. Similarly, if your business offers a solution to a common problem, you can emphasize the uniqueness of your solution.

Taglines are also helpful for local businesses. Taglines should be catchy and play to your unique selling point. Often, people will compare brands by their taglines, so a tagline that plays on this factor will help you establish brand recognition. Once you have a tagline, it’s time to put it on your business card.

Business cards are designed to appeal to specific audiences, so you need to know the type of people you’re trying to reach. Knowing your audience will help you decide which quotes will work best for your business. For example, if you’re a company that plans events, you’ll want your tagline to appeal to consumers who are seeking organization and strategy.